The Arewa Broadcast Media Practitioner’s Forum, a body of media professionals from Northern Nigeria, has been following the ongoing debate on the proposed Value Added Tax (VAT) bill before the National Assembly.
We are compelled to express our concerns and reservations about certain provisions of the bill, which we believe are inimical to the interests of the Northern region and the overall economic development of the Nation.
As observed by specialists on tax matters, certain aspects of the bill, if implemented judiciously may generate some of the much needed resources for national development.
We, however take exception to the resort to ethnic and regional sentiments by some of the supporters of the bill, who mischievously adduced ulterior motives to the legitimate concerns of the Northern Governors Forum and National Economic Council.
The North, like any part of the country has the right to comment on any public policy, especially those it considers injurious to its survival.
The conceivers of the bill have shown total disregard for the concerns of a large majority of Nigerians especially the North that is economically disadvantaged.
There are provisions in the bill that impose tax on inheritance funds which is contrary to our religious doctrine and cultural norms.
Again the lopsided distribution of VAT revenue to states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), as proposed in the bill, is not only unjust, but will further exacerbate the economic disparities between the North and other regions of country.
We note, however the ongoing fire brigade approach by the Tax Reform Committee to engage key stakeholders, after the fact.
This may not erase the suspicion and distrust the bill has generated.
In light of these concerns, we advise the government of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to honourably withdraw the VAT bill for further consultations with stakeholders.
This will enable the government to address the contentious issues and come up with a more equitable and just VAT regime that takes into account the peculiar needs and circumstances of all regions, including the North.
We believe that this approach will not only promote national unity and cohesion but also ensure that the VAT regime is fair, equitable, and beneficial to all Nigerians.